Youth Ministry
Youth today are confronted with many interesting challenges! The Youth Ministry at Oak Valley is designed to help our children and teens learn how to navigate through life from a Christian perspective. There is a strong emphasis on building Christian character and leadership, serving others through various outreach ministries, bible studies, workshops, and worship.

Audio Visual Ministry
The worship AV team has the responsibility to lead people in worship through the use of audiovisual technologies. Through music, atmospheric sounds, videos, graphics and lighting, the church audiovisual technicians augment the service in subtly powerful ways that create a natural and unencumbered worship experience.

Senior Ministry
Engaging our senior adults in ministry is an important approach to ministry in the life of the church and community. The purpose of this ministry is to provide meaningful activities, enable all to maintain active, healthy and productive lifestyles spiritually, physically, mentally and socially with one another throughout the community. The goal is to build relationships, continue to apply God’s Word to our lives. Weekly activities are held in collaboration with other churches within the community.
Missions Ministry
Mission is a church-wide ministry, guided in its operations by the Mission Committee, that enables Oak Valley to fulfill the Great Commission of Our Lord and Savior (Matt. 28:18-20) and our commitment to missionary service. Missions Ministry equips disciples of Christ to share God’s love through gifts and service, creating hope and sustainable opportunities for those in need. Support is provided through local, state, and national ministries to address missionary needs, especially during times of disaster.
Reach Ministry
The discipleship journey begins with reaching the world with God’s love, which is unique because it overlooks faults and meets needs. God ultimately demonstrated this love when He looked beyond our fault and met our need by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sin. We as disciples are expected to reach the world with this same love by finding unique, creative, and prayerful ways to meet the needs of people around us. Click here to see just a few of the ways that Oak Valley chooses to reach the world.
We invite you to partner with us to serve in one of these ministries or offer financial support. We also encourage you to prayerfully discern other ways that you can uniquely show God’s love to the people around you. When you take this step, it won’t take long to discover why showing love to others is the first step toward Christian maturity.
Deacon & Deaconess Ministry
The Deacon Ministry serves as advisors to the Pastor in matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare and work of the Church. Deacons are required to meet the spiritual requirements set forth in Acts 6:3 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Deacons support and assist the work of the Pastor in the care of members and their families, care of the sick, needy, and the disbursement of benevolent assistance to members of the Church. Deacons also assist the Pastor with an administration of the ordinances of the Church (Holy Communion and Baptism).
The Deaconess Ministry assists the Deacons in the care of the congregation under the spiritual guidance of the Pastor and the Deacons. They are responsible for the preparation of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and assisting baptism candidates. Beyond the traditional ceremony of service, Oak Valley Deaconesses are active agents of God’s healing in the Church serving on behalf of women in need and helping women heal and cope with life’s challenges.

Music Ministry
Responsible for oversight of all church music. Ministers to the congregation through music and other forms of spiritual inspirations to the edification of Christ through worship.

Old Testament worship was led by great numbers of trained singers and musicians. And the Psalms were the hymnal of the New Testament church. The OVBC choir leads and enlivens the congregation in song, encouraging excellence in worship, sing beautiful and challenging music to glorify God, to edify the congregation. They serve as a small-group within the church for faith formation.

Usher Ministry
The Ministry of Ushers is a servant related ministry of the church. It is composed of members of the Church who believe God has called them to serve in this area of the church. Ushers greet members and guests while assisting with seating. They also assist those with special needs, conduct offerings, and ensure orderliness of those entering and leaving the sanctuary during services. Oak Valley Ushers are ready to offer general assistance and knowledge to any member of the congregation who requires it. In emergencies, church members call upon ushers to help keep order and escort everyone out safely.

Trustee Ministry
The Trustee Ministry of Oak Valley Baptist Church, strive through the power of the Holy Spirit, to be used as vessels for Christ. With Christ as the example, this ministry as our model, we understand that the nature of our ministry is SERVICE, the motive of our ministry is LOVE, the measure of our ministry is SACRIFICE, and the purpose of our ministry is to GLORIFY GOD.

The Ministry of Greeters is a servant related ministry of the church. It is composed of members of the Church who believe God has called them to serve in this area of the church. Greeters welcome members and guests and assist with questions upon entry.

Events Planning – Christian Fellowship
The purpose of the Events Planning Ministry is to provide programmatic assistance for special events, culinary coordination, and other affiliated support for specific annual church-wide events at Oak Valley Baptist Church.